Want to Join Pendyrus Choir?
Prospective choristers, in all parts of the choir, are always most welcome. You may already be thinking of joining a choir, and would like to know more about PENDYRUS.
We hope that the information on these pages will help, but here are answers to some specific questions you may be asking: Members come from all over south-east Wales, and from all walks of life. Age and background are not important, nor is the ability to read music – although some experience would obviously be an advantage.
Forget the horrors of audition – there isn’t one! Pendyrus is not a casual “sing-a-long”. We are all amateurs, but are fortunate enough to be conducted and accompanied by professional musicians.
We enjoy making music and aim to maintain the great Welsh tradition. We have performed throughout the British Isles, and in Australia, Belgium , Canada, New Zealand, Russia and theUnited States.
We have featured in television and radio programmes, and made recordings, and are often invited to major festivals (for example Aldeburgh and Glastonbury) Now, some questions for you! Are you prepared for some serious rehearsal and commitment?
Would you like to be part of an interesting, adventurous and worthwhile musical experience?
Do you enjoy convivial company?
Do you want the chance to travel (in Britain and overseas)?
If your answer to any (or all) of these questions is “Yes”, then PENDYRUS is the place for you! Just call in at one of our rehearsals and make yourself known – we will make you welcome!
We meet at:
East Road,
Tylorstown, Rhondda
CF43 3DA
MONDAYS (7.00 to 8.30pm) and WEDNESDAYS (7.00 to 8.30pm)
If you would like further information please contact the General Secretary, Gareth Haines :-
Mobile No: 07584438170 – or email:- Garethhainespendyrus@outlook.com